
We are already grateful for many donations. In addition to financial support, we also appreciate organizational or infrastructural assistance.

Donation Account: CH19 0900 0000 9238 0403 9

Donation Status: 21'275,60 CHF

Funding goal: 80'000 CHF

Financial Sponsorship

If you'd like to support us financially, there are various ways to do so:

  1. Anonymously or Publicly: We'd like to thank all donors. To do so, we need your contact information. Please provide this separately when making transfers, or get in touch with us.

  2. Unrestricted or Designated: You can also fund specific measures. Just contact us to discuss.

  3. By Bank Transfer or Cash: Donations can be made to our postal account (CH19 0900 0000 9238 0403 9) or handed over in cash at our bar.

Donations to us are not tax-deductible, but we're happy to provide a donation receipt upon request.


In-kind Donations

For many of the planned measures, we need various resources. These resources can also be donated. The specific resources needed can be found in the Measures Catalog.


In any case, please contact us if you have equipment, materials, or tools that you would like to donate to us.

Organizational Support

We are very limited in our personnel capacity and have a very limited reach. Therefore, we are grateful for any support that helps us with organizing the project, spreading our message, or sourcing resources.


Please get in touch with us if you have capacity to help.


We would like to thank all donors. For this, we have come up with some "Thank You" gifts. The gifts will be cumulative (for example, a benefactor will also receive the gift from a small donor, a medium donor, and a donor).

 Mini Donor  up to 50  Dankes-Mail mit Projektdokumentation  Sammelplakette
 Small Donor  51 - 100  Dankes-Karte  Sammelplakette
 Donor  101 - 200  Eintrag auf Webseite  Sammelplakette


 201 - 500  Türmli-Bar-Shirt  Sammelplakette

 Benefactor plus

 501 - 1000  Einladung Sponsoren-Anlass  Sammelplakette
 Sponsor  1001 - 2000  Eine freie Miete der Bar  Bronze
 Sponsor plus  2001 - 5000  Logo/Name auf Helfer-Shirt  Silber
 Main Sponsor  5001 +  Einmal Service durch Bar bei Miete  Gold

Donors, Benefactors, Sponsors

 Mini Donor




2'826,85 CHF

564,40 CHF

98,25 CHF

70,00 CHF

 Gesammelte anonyme Kleinst-Spenden

 Gesammelte Kollekte Theatersport

 Gesammelte anonyme Spenden der Helferbar der Musikfestwochen

 Private Spenders

 Small Donor    
 Donor 200,00 CHF  Türmlihuus



350,00 CHF

500,00 CHF

 Family Schwarz

 Andri Kunz

 Benefactor plus 666,00 CHF  Hako Getränke
 Sponsor 2'000,00 CHF

 Mobilliar, Generalagentur Uster

 Sponsor plus    
 Main Sponsor 15'000 CHF  Alias



Technikumstrasse 36

8400 Winterthur


Opening hours

Saison #20 Spring 2025

February 20nd - May 22rd

Every Thursday 16:30 - 24:00

Türmli-Bar Logo